Binance Smart Chain

Current Supply$613.7M

USDC bridged to BNB Smart Chain

as of
Past month
Past week
Past day
Past hour

BNB Smart Chain has a total circulating supply of $613.7 million USDC consisting of $693M USDC bridged in via Wormhole, Satellite by Axelar and Binance Peg Tokens and $79.3M USDC bridged out to other chains. This amount accounts for 1.05% of the total USDC supply across all blockchains.

Bridged out from BNB Smart Chain
Trending up by 4.05% this week

This is an unaudited, third-party snapshot of the current supply of USDC across multiple blockchains, using publicly accessible on-chain data.

To learn about how the supply is calculated, please visit the methodology page.

Balance attestations of the USDC supply can be found here.